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AccuWeather Inc. and Huafeng Media Group announced a joint venture (JV) on May 22. The JV, aka Huafeng-AccuWeather (Beijing) Co. Ltd, will bring AccuWeather technology to consumers in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao via Huafeng’s forecast location capabilities.
Huafeng, a commercial weather media company owned by the China Meteorological Administration, will expand the forecast locations available to AccuWeather in China. In return, AccuWeather will provide enhanced weather forecasts not yet available in China, form distribution partnerships with Chinese companies, and help to expand its forecasting locations throughout the country.
Initially the JV’s services will be available on mobile, including smart phones, smart cars, and wearables.
“AccuWeather’s technical and meteorological innovations, including our unique forecasting products and longer-range forecasts, will provide new value to the people of China,” said AccuWeather CEO Barry Lee Myers, calling the JV “a groundbreaking endeavor.”
The JV is the only company sanctioned by the Meteorological Law of China to distribute the China Meteorological Administration’s weather information and forecasts via AccuWeather.
(Photo by AccuWeather)