Letter from the Editor: Financial Services in China’s Changing Economy

China Business Review (Archive Only) Christina Nelson

A few weeks before this quarter’s China Business Review went to press, the Chinese government released trade data showing falling imports and slowing exports. Chinese imports dropped by 2.6 percent in August. Exports increased by 2.7 percent, higher than in July, but much lower than the double-digit growth rate China has experienced in the last decade. Analysts say these numbers are another sign of China’s slowing economy.

This issue’s stories on financial services focus less on how the economy is slowing, but instead show how China’s shifting economy has changed the marketplace for financial services. The Brookings Institution’s Eve Cary writes about how real estate developers found new sources of financing when PRC regulators tightened property lending last year. Tharon Smith, founder of the Strontium Group, writes about US and Chinese venture capital firms and how they can work together to take advantage of opportunities in the Chinese market. And Moody’s President and Chief Executive Officer Raymond McDaniel talks to CBR about China’s attempts to build a credit system and the importance of a more open financial system for the long-term strength of the economy.

This issue also features a special report on intellectual property rights (IPR), a longstanding concern for foreign companies in China. Thomas Ross, litigation partner at Marshall, Gerstein & Borun, discusses the differences between the IPR enforcement systems in the United States and China. Thomas Moga, partner at Shook, Hardy and Bacon, writes about the growth of design patents in China and foreign companies’ reluctance to use them to protect their IPR.

Feature stories in this issue examine a variety of topics, including China’s land reform efforts, US companies’ export control risks, best practices for accessing China’s government procurement market, and a survey of Chinese professionals on workplace issues.

Until our next issue, which will celebrate the US-China Business Council’s 40th anniversary, check out our blog for news stories and statistics on US-China trade at cbrmagazine.tumblr.com. We always welcome reader feedback. Contact me anytime at [email protected].


Christina Nelson

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