Letter from the Editor: Transition to Digital

China Business Review (Archive Only) Christina Nelson

The commercial and trade relationship between the United States and China has changed dramatically since the US-China Business Council (USCBC) opened its doors 40 years ago. Since then the two countries have developed one of the world’s largest trading relationships, China has become an important and fast-growing market for American goods, and both countries’ economies will likely depend on each other for years to come.

This issue of the China Business Review (CBR) examines the evolution of the US-China commercial relationship and celebrates USCBC’s history and role in that relationship.

This is also the last issue of CBR that will be published as a print magazine. After careful consideration of the economics of printing and distributing a magazine, as well as the changing media landscape, we have decided to transition CBR from a quarterly print magazine to a digital-only publication by April 2013.

We believe these changes will make CBR more flexible and responsive to events as they unfold, while still bringing you the high quality articles on business and policy issues you’ve come to expect from us over the years.

The biggest change you will notice in this transition is that you will no longer receive a print issue. Instead, articles will be available online only and you will be alerted to new content once a month by email. The digital-only edition will feature the same number of long form, analytical articles as the quarterly print issue, but spread throughout the three-month period. In addition, starting in April, chinabusinessreview.com will no longer require a username or password, and will be optimized for reading not only on your computer, but on your tablet or mobile device.

Transitioning to a digital-only publication does not mean we’re shutting down CBR—we are simply distributing our high-quality content in a way that more closely matches the needs and habits of our highly educated and busy readership. We also intend to maintain the quality standards CBR has upheld since its founding in 1974.

If your subscription covers all or part of 2013, a representative will be in touch with you shortly about a refund. If you have any questions about your subscription, you should contact Mattie Steward at [email protected]. Questions about editorial content should be directed to Christina Nelson at [email protected].


Christina Nelson

Editor, China Business Review

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