Yan Yu
Director, Beijing Office
Director, Beijing Office
Yan Yu has worked with the US-China Business Council Beijing Office since 2015. She currently heads central Chinese government affairs and watches policies and regulations impacting foreign investors under China’s newly built Foreign Investment Law system as well as China’s export control regime. Yu received her master’s degree in Asian Studies from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her master thesis explores dynamics between Chinese political agenda and judicial system. Yu received the PRC Bar Admission in 2019.
Yu likes this role of bridge builder between the US and China. Nowhere is this bridging needed more than between the regulated and regulators, at the intersection of policy, law, and business. “Mapping government interlocutors seems an easy step, but is always easily overlooked by businesses when they want to solve problems in China. It is my job to help them navigate a strategy by sorting out the best route with the knowledge of industry and Chinese government.”
Yu also works closely with US companies to establish channels to communicate with Chinese legislators and policymakers.
During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, she worked closely with US companies in China to understand operational issues on reopening business and to advocate with the Chinese government on solutions. She wrote a series of issue papers to help the China government focus on specific challenges facing member companies. In one case, an auto parts company successfully migrated workers from their home villages to the factory without going through extra quarantine days. The factory was able to reopen and manufacture for its clients around the globe.
In another case, a few PPE suppliers were not able to export supplies due to Chinese government’s stringent requirement. She jumped in to help the USCBC team advocate with Chinese government officials regarding building a more streamlined procedure through which qualified PPEs are able to be shipped out. Eventually, the government released detailed regulations to allow white-listed suppliers to export with relaxed requirements.
When not wearing her figurative bridge-builder hard hat, Yu enjoys Spanish culture, especially the music. She loves cooking at home, where a little flamenco may be heard by neighbors in her apartment building. Rest assured that her paella meets the highest standards, as one of her sector specialties is food safety. You can read about some of her other areas of expertise below.
China’s Pilot Program to Improve Transparency in Government Procurement
A new pilot program requires the government to disclose information about procurement goals and budgets at least 30 days prior to issuing a tender.
Standing Committee Meeting Sets Stage for “Two Sessions”
The last session of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee in 2019 passed a revised Securities Law and introduced drafts for a unified Civil Code and an overarching Export Control Law.
USCBC Foreign Investment Law Implementing Regulations Comments
USCBC received comments from 17 companies across industries including consumer products, ICT, pharmaceuticals, auto, and service firms.
Amid an economic downturn and growing pressure to restore foreign investor confidence, China’s Ministry of Finance (MOF) recently published a draft definition of “domestic products” for government procurement. The move aims to establish a nationwide standard. However, its effectiveness in resolving longstanding issues facing the business community in this area remains to be seen.
China’s new Export Control Regulations on Dual-Use Items, released in October, grant the Chinese government the authority to require a license to export certain covered products, technologies, and services that are found in, or can be used to produce, certain chemical, biological, missile, and nuclear items.
China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) and State Council have both released their legislative plans for the rest of 2024, reflecting China’s regulatory priorities in a wide array of economic and civil society matters.
Last November, the State Council issued plans for both the Beijing and Shanghai Free Trade Zones (FTZ), stating further commitments in liberalizing service sectors for foreign investment and facilitating trade. In the plans, Beijing and Shanghai respectively issued policy frameworks to give foreign investors more access in healthcare, finance, and telecommunication services, among others.
Last August, China’s State Council released Document No. 11, also called the 24 Measures, which outlines measures to attract and utilize foreign investment in China. Several of the measures speak to long-held concerns of the US business community, including cross-border data transfer, government procurement, and intellectual property (IP) theft.