What does recent Hong Kong legislation tell us about the future of US-China relations?

What does recent Hong Kong legislation tell us about the future of US-China relations?

The relationship between the United States and Hong Kong is in a period of increased scrutiny. The passage of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act has brought the trajectory of the US relationship with Hong Kong into focus within the context of broader questions about the US-China relationship. This week, we take a deep dive into what we know about recent Hong Kong-related legislation, what the political implications are, and what the business impacts look like.


Shelley Su: Shelley is a senior consultant at Crowell & Moring International, where she advises trade associations and leaders of major American companies operating in the Asia Pacific on US-China economic relations and US government relations strategies.

Andrew Blasi: Andrew is a director at Crowell & Moring International, where he guides the development and management of large-scale, multi-sectoral partnerships around the world. He supports collaboration between the public and private sector across a range of complex areas, such as ethical business practices, structural reform, and fostering innovation.

Chynna Hawes: Chynna is a manager with USCBC Government Affairs working on congressional outreach and legislative tracking. Prior to joining USCBC, Chynna worked in the communications industry in Shanghai, helping major multinationals and Fortune 500 companies promote and protect their reputations in the China market.

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