Forecast 2025
USCBC offers opportunities for members to engage with senior US and Chinese government officials, thought leaders, and key stakeholders from both countries. We also offer unique visibility and partnership opportunities at our signature conferences, fundraising Gala, and special events.
Washington, DC
Forecast is a premier annual conference covering China’s anticipated business and political environment for each year ahead. Panels include discussions on topics such as China’s macroeconomic trends and domestic political environment, current bilateral trade issues, US-China diplomatic and security concerns, and technology competition.
Washington, DC
USCBC’s Annual Membership Meeting conference provides an overview of business and economic trends in China, examines key business operation challenges in China, and provides a forum for members to discuss current US-China commercial policies with experts from various sectors.
Washington, DC
USCBC’s annual Gala is a celebration of the organization and its membership’s achievements in support of expanding the US-China commercial relationship. It is also an important fundraising effort that enables USCBC to serve its member companies. At the Gala, USCBC honors senior US and Chinese government officials, members of Congress, and others involved in strengthening the bilateral relationship. Members of the business, diplomatic, and think tank communities also attend.
Beijing | Shanghai
These conferences offer member company executives the opportunity to hear from Chinese government officials, leading economists, and industry experts to learn more about current trends in China’s operational and policy environment. Participating in these events can help companies on the ground chart a course for operational success in China.
In addition to our ongoing issue briefings, we host monthly and quarterly event series, which are detailed below.
In this signature event series, senior USCBC staff share the latest updates on the bilateral relationship from where they sit in Washington, Beijing, and Shanghai. This monthly, off-the-record call is open to members only.
Events in this quarterly series highlight the latest economic data and current trends in China’s macroeconomy.
Events in this series examine the escalating geopolitical risks and shifting global dynamics shaping the US-China relationship.
Events in this quarterly series focus on legal topics that impact a broad cross section of our membership, to ensure member companies are aware of trends and possess tools and information needed to develop effective compliance strategies.
USCBC holds quarterly hybrid events with key officials from the Chinese Embassy and various ministry officials in China to discuss Chinese industry regulations and sectoral issues important to USCBC members.
USCBC Beijing office’s B2B Forums periodically bring together member companies, Chinese companies, Chinese government entities, and think tanks for in-depth discussions on China business outlook. It is designed to be sector-specific and to find areas of policy alignment between the US and Chinese business communities.
Reach out to our Programs team.