Events Archive
Gala 2022
This year’s Gala theme - Climate Change: Shared Challenge and Responsibility focused on US-China cooperative efforts to reduce carbon emissions and accelerate transition to global carbon neutrality.
2022 Midterm Elections: A Potential Republican House Takeover & Implications for US-China Relations
The 117th Congress has been packed with legislation and congressional action related to China, trade, and international affairs—a trend lawmakers may continue through the lame duck Congress, with the potential consideration of the expired Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) and the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB). An outbound investment screening mechanism also may be the subject of an Executive Order or legislation by the end of the year.
2022 USCBC Member Survey Presentation
Every year USCBC surveys its membership to take the pulse of US companies doing business in China. This year’s survey highlights China’s COVID control measures and US-China relations as top challenges and includes data on how these issues and others are impacting company performance and planning.
If you missed our members only panel discussion on the member survey, here is your chance to get a quick review of the survey's key highlights at an event open to the public.
Unpacking China’s Data, Privacy, and Cybersecurity Environment
Regardless of industry, company size, or operational footprint, companies operating within China's borders face an increasingly-complex set of data, privacy, and cybersecurity compliance challenges. Key issues include the cross-border transfer of data, collection and storage of data in-country, localization of business systems and the evolving ambiguity of regulatory requirements.
Understanding and Navigating US Trade Restrictions and Sanctions
Export controls and sanctions continue to be an important economic tool in each US administration’s China strategy. The Biden administration–and the Commerce Department in particular–has pledged to ramp up its use of export controls and the Entity List to protect US national and economic security in respect to China.
China’s Next Act: How Sustainability and Technology are Reshaping China’s Rise and the World’s Future
If the COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything, it is that the world is bound together by shared challenges—and that at the center of those challenges stands China. Thanks to decades of breakneck growth and development, Chinese officials, businesses, and institutions now play a critical role in every major global issue, from climate change to biotechnology.
Current Supply Chain Trends and Challenges in China, APAC and Beyond
Amid ongoing COVID-19 control measures and recent geopolitical turbulence, supply chain stability and distribution has seen a renewed focus across industries. Through our recently released Member Survey, we’ve found that over the last 12 months from release, nearly a quarter of respondent companies have moved segments of their supply chains out of China—a significant jump from last year—with the majority relocating to areas other than the United States. The most cited considerations for this change are COVID-19 shutdowns in China and supply chain resilience.
MACROChina: A Conversation with Andy Rothman
MACROChina is a program series that takes you behind the headlines for insightful analysis of the Chinese economy. Densely packed with highlights from the latest economic data and updates, this series aims to prepare USCBC members better for overarching economic developments and shifts in China by exposing the undercurrents and making sense of the realities behind whitepapers.
Panel Discussion: 2022 USCBC Member Survey
Every year USCBC surveys its membership to take the pulse of US companies doing business in China. This year’s survey highlights China’s COVID control measures and US-China relations as top challenges and includes data on how these issues and others are impacting company performance and planning.