
Rising Costs Continue to be a Challenge for US Companies in China

Rising Costs Continue to be a Challenge for US Companies in China

Eighty-nine percent of US-China Business Council (USCBC) member companies view rising costs as a top concern in the China market, according to USCBC’s 2017 Member Survey. Costs have been a top concern for China operations for more than a decade.

Labor is the top cost for companies


7 Best Practices for Complying with China’s Cybersecurity Law

7 Best Practices for Complying with China’s Cybersecurity Law

Enforcement of China’s Cybersecurity Law (CSL) began at the beginning of this month, but questions remain about how companies should comply with the myriad requirements of the law and its related measures, standards, and other regulations. Following conversations with company executives and service providers, the US-China Business Council (USCBC) developed a brief list of best practices to help accelerate internal compliance plan development.


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