
Government Structural Changes

Government Structural Changes

China’s government’s massive overhaul is intended to improve efficiency and effectiveness, according to officials, in line with President Xi’s plans for a “comprehensive deepening of reform.” The changes are extensive and will affect which agencies USCBC members need to engage.


New Online Publishing Restrictions Create Uncertainty for Foreign-Invested Companies with Operations in China

New Online Publishing Restrictions Create Uncertainty for Foreign-Invested Companies with Operations in China

New online publishing rules announced February 14 largely reinforce existing law, which prohibits foreign investment in China’s online publishing sector, but the rules also expand government oversight and regulation of online content—developments that are of concern to many companies.


New Regulations Complicate Rules for Online Publications

New Regulations Complicate Rules for Online Publications

The recently released, and newly effective Administrative Regulations for Online Publishing Service explicitly restricts foreign investors from providing online publishing services, sets licensing and approval requirements for the types of cooperative projects in which domestic and foreign entities can engage, and outlines strict rules on technical equipment and data localization.


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