USCBC 2017 Board of Directors' Statement of Priorities on the US-China Commercial Relationship

The US-China Business Council (USCBC) supports a strong, mutually beneficial commercial relationship between the United States and China. The relationship has made many positive strides over the past three decades, thanks to the collaborative work of the governments, business communities, and other stakeholders in both countries.

This sixth priorities statement issued by USCBC’s board of directors comes at an important time. The United States has a new administration that is developing its policy approach to manage the US-China relationship. China’s reforms are entering their fourth year, but the slow pace and mixed signals of economic reforms so far are leaving the American business community uncertain about policy direction and undermining confidence.

This is a critical time for both governments to work closely with the business community to address the priorities (outlined at right, and detailed in the following pages) with tangible progress in the coming year, in order to build confidence and ensure the commercial relationship remains a source of stability and progress in US-China relations.


1. Further Solidify the Foundation for Mutually Beneficial Commercial Relations

  • Strengthen and improve results-oriented bilateral dialogue
  • Strengthen and improve results-oriented bilateral dialogue
  • Quickly resume and complete high-standard Bilateral Investment Treaty negotiations
  • Take steps to build confidence in the bilateral relationship
  • Apply national security exceptions only when essential and narrowly targeted
  • Promote a level playing field for foreign and domestic companies in China
  • Move forward with financial sector reforms

2. Reduce Trade Barriers, Enforce Globally Accepted Trade Rules, and Avoid Protectionism

  • Ensure that government decisions are not politicized
  • Implement laws and regulations consistently across agencies and localities
  • Increase the use of internationally harmonized standards for goods and services sold in China
  • Eliminate import barriers to facilitate economic rebalancing and consumption
  • Accelerate sensible US export control reforms
  • Complete the Environmental Goods Agreement

3. Ensure Competitive Neutrality and Improve Transparency

  • Reduce cybersecurity tensions and ensure equal treatment for technology products
  • Ensure equal treatment in licensing
  • Ensure equal treatment in government procurement for all legal entities in China
  • Ensure an inclusive and transparent process in the development of China’s ecommerce law
  • Further improve rule-making transparency
  • Curb overcapacity
  • Ensure safe and reliable food and agriculture trade

4. Strengthen IPR Protection and Adhere to Mutually Beneficial Innovation Policies

  • Continue to strengthen China’s IPR regime and enforcement of IPR in China
  • Improve enforcement against online counterfeiting and piracy
  • Improve market access of IP-intensive products
  • Strengthen trade secrets protection
  • Follow internationally proven, effective innovation incentives


To read the full Statement of Priorities, please click here for English and here for Chinese.

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