Raj Subramaniam speaking
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BJO Gala 2023

We're here to serve.

  • USCBC was created to serve American companies doing business in China—offering the research, analysis, and relationships needed to succeed.
  • We represent more than 270 American companies of many sizes and from every industry.
  • Our experts help executives make smart decisions, navigate complex regulations, and share perspectives with policymakers to improve the business environment.
Melinda Xu and Michael Pettis speaking at Shanghai China Operations Conference

Research & Analysis

Our analysts track every development affecting US-China trade. Members receive access to our daily, weekly, and biweekly newsletters on commercial issues.


USCBC provides its members a forum to share their priorities with the government officials driving commercial policy in both countries.


All members receive access to the more than 100 exclusive events that we host annually. These meetings allow members to hear from and connect with industry experts, scholars, and policymakers.

Expert Guidance

Leveraging both our in-house expertise and our network, we help members navigate the complexities of doing business in China.

Member Companies

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Annual Dues

Sales/Gross revenue
(Whichever is higher)
Annual Dues
$50 billion or more $36,000
$20 billion to $49.999 $30,000
$5 billion to $19.999 billion $24,000
$1 billion to $4.999 billion $18,000
$500 million to $999 million $11,000
$50 million to $499 million $9,750
Less than $50 million $3,600

Number of professionals Annual Dues
500 or more professionals worldwide $18,000
10 to 500 professionals worldwide $7,100
Fewer than 10 professionals worldwide $3,600

Funds under management Annual Dues
$500 million or more of funds under management $24,000
Less than $500 million of funds under management $18,000