USCBC Recommendations on Standards

Since 1973, the US-China Business Council (USCBC) and its more than 220 member companies have contributed to China’s economic and technological development. Our members include a range of international enterprises dedicated to the China market.

Many USCBC members have a long history in the China market, and their technical expertise has contributed to China’s body of standards in many sectors. Member companies have noted significant improvement in the standards-setting environment in China in recent years. USCBC is pleased to see that Chinese standardization reform includes efforts to reduce the number of mandatory standards, clean up outdated standards and reduce conflicting standards, make standards setting more market driven, adopt more international standards, and increase participation in international standards setting.

USCBC recently conducted interviews with over 30 member companies and other experts focusing on the information and communication technology, life sciences, consumer products, chemical, and manufacturing industries to better understand their standards-setting challenges in China. 

Read the full recommendation document:

Forecast 2025

Forecast 2025