Forecast 2025
WASHINGTON, D.C.: On March 8, 2017, the US-China Business Council (USCBC) released a statement of priority actions needed to continue strengthening the commercial relationship between the United States and China. This sixth annual priorities statement issued by USCBC’s board of directors focuses on the efforts needed by both governments on the top priorities for American companies that conduct business with China.
This is a critical time for results-oriented government engagement on key trade issues. The month-old Trump administration is still developing its policy approach to manage the US-China relationship. Though China’s reforms are entering their fourth year, the slow pace and mixed signals so far are undermining confidence and leaving the American business community uncertain about policy direction.
To build confidence and ensure the commercial relationship remains a source of stability and progress, both governments must work closely with the business community to address the priorities with significant progress in the coming year.
Mark Fields, president and chief executive officer, Ford Motor Company and Chair of the USCBC, said: “The United States and China must work to achieve the shared goals of our bilateral relationship to fulfill the potential for growth and success in both countries. The fundamental steps we have outlined form a solid path to guide actions of both governments in the years ahead.”
USCBC President John Frisbie said, “The American business community is a partner to both governments in achieving the shared goal of tangible progress in the coming year. Through this declaration of our priorities, American business leaders are highlighting the need for the US and Chinese governments to create a stronger foundation for what is the most important bilateral relationship in the global economy.”
These priorities are grouped under four major goals:
· Further Solidify the Foundation for Mutually Beneficial Commercial Relations
· Reduce Trade Barriers and Enforce Globally Accepted Trade Rules
· Ensure Competitive Neutrality and Improve Transparency
· Strengthen Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protection and Adhere to Mutually Beneficial Innovation Policies
华盛顿特区:2017年3月8日,美中贸易全国委员会(USCBC)发布了继续加强美中商业关系所需的重点工作声明。 这是美中贸易全国委员会董事会第六次发表美中商贸关系重点工作声明,侧重于两国政府需要做出的努力,以更好地解决美资企业在中国开展业务的首要关切。
此时正值两国政府参与解决重要贸易问题的关键时刻。 刚成立一个月的特朗普政府仍在制定处理中美关系的政策措施;中国的改革正迈入第四个年头,但中国经济改革的步伐缓慢,释放出的信号复杂,使美国商界对政策方向把握不定,信心受挫。
美中贸易全国委员会会长傅强恩先生(John Frisbie)提到:“美国商界是两国政府来年在共同目标上达成实质性进展的合作伙伴。 通过这份董事会重点工作的声明,美国商界领袖们强调了中美两国政府需要为全球经济中最重要的双边关系奠定更坚实的基础。”