USCBC and Other Trade Associations Make Recommendations on US-China Trade

News Release

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WASHINGTON, November 13, 2021—Attached below is a letter spearheaded by the US-China Business Council (USCBC) and sent to US Trade Representative Katherine Tai and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on behalf of two dozen American business associations. The letter contains specific recommendations for improving US-China trade relations for the benefit of American workers, farmers, businesses, and families.

Industry Letter on US-China Trade and Commercial Relations
We write in follow up to Ambassador Tai’s October 4 China trade policy speech and each of your more recent public remarks, and in anticipation of the upcoming virtual meeting between Presidents Biden and Xi. We agree that the U.S.-China relationship is profoundly consequential to both countries and the world economy. We also welcome Ambassador Tai’s recent comments about aiming to stabilize U.S.-China trade relations and better address long-standing challenges. We support the Administration’s initial China trade policy priorities, including enforcing China’s existing commitments in the U.S.-China Economic and Trade Agreement (“Phase One”), working to address long-standing structural concerns, and partnering with our allies to address non-market economy and other practices that adversely impact American businesses, farmers, and workers. Concrete steps advancing this agenda would restore greater certainty in both bilateral and global trade and economic affairs. Read more

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