USCBC Applauds the Extension of the Science and Technology Agreement Signed by the US and China

News Release

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WASHINGTON, DC—December 13, 2024—The US-China Business Council, a private, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization of more than 270 American companies that do business in China, today applauded the five-year extension of the formal science and technology agreement that provides consistent standards for government-to-government scientific cooperation between the United States and China.

“USCBC is pleased that the updated agreement provides robust intellectual property protection, data transparency and reciprocity, and security for researchers,” USCBC President Sean Stein said. “The revised agreement also protects US national security interests, while ensuring that cooperation can continue in basic research and that the interests of US businesses are protected.”

The agreement was announced today by the US State Department.

Established in 1973, USCBC represents many of the world’s most iconic brands operating in China and for more than 50 years has advocated on behalf of its members, while promoting the many benefits of commercial exchange between the US and China.

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