USCBC Releases Statement on China’s New Government

News Release

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Contact in Beijing:
Jake Parker ([email protected]; 86-10-6512-5854)
Contact in Washington, DC:
Katherine Thompson ([email protected]; 202-429-0340)
Washington, D.C. (March 21, 2018) — US-China Business Council president John Frisbie released the following statement on the new government leadership appointed at the close of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC):
“The incoming government leadership on the whole is more reform-minded than the outgoing leadership,” said Frisbie. “The question is whether this will lead to a resumption of economic reforms. We’ve heard the rhetoric of reforms over the past five years, but little has actually been implemented.”
“On my current trip to China, we are hearing once again the promised commitment to reforms that will open the market and create a more level playing field. USCBC’s response is that actions are needed, not just promises, in order to restore business confidence in China’s policy direction.”
“We encourage China’s new government leadership to move forward with overdue economic reforms and look forward to working with the incoming senior officials—many of whom we have known for years—to bring about solutions to the issues faced by American companies in China and set the relationship on a more positive trajectory at this critical time.”
The US-China Business Council (USCBC) is a private, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization of roughly 200 American companies that do business with China. For over four and a half decades, USCBC has provided unmatched information, advisory, advocacy, and program services to its membership. Through its offices in Washington, DC; Beijing; and Shanghai, USCBC is uniquely positioned to serve its members’ interests in the United States and China. Follow activities on its website:


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