June Xu
Manager, Government Affairs and Business Advisory Services
Manager, Government Affairs and Business Advisory Services
June works as a government affairs and business advisory services manager at the USCBC Beijing office, covering IP and healthcare issues. Before joining the council, she worked at the International Finance Forum (IFF) and the City of London Corporation, focusing on planning and executing strategic regulatory and market engagement in the financial services sector and managing projects related to green and sustainable development.
June enjoys reading, traveling, and cycling. She holds a master’s degree in Global Governance and Ethics from University College London and a BA in Communications from Beijing Jiaotong University.
Over the past two months, there have been several noteworthy policy developments that affect the healthcare industry. In July, China launched an unprecedented year-long anti-corruption campaign in the healthcare sector, targeting both hospitals and healthcare companies.
In recent months, China has seen significant high-level personnel changes at both central and provincial levels. On July 25, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee voted to remove Qin Gang from the post of foreign minister and reappoint his predecessor Wang Yi, current director of the CCP Central Foreign Affairs Office.
China’s protection and enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rights remains a key challenge for both US companies and a key issue for the US government. The Office of the US Trade Representative said in its 2023 Special 301 Report that the slow pace of China’s IP reform is a “serious concern.”
China’s progress in implementing reforms to its IP system is among USCBC’s long-lasting focuses. As we continue advocating for more enforceable, effective IP protection on behalf of the American business community, we are writing to share noteworthy USCBC work and IP policy developments since the last update.