USCBC Beijing 2025 China Operations Conference & Reception
WASHINGTON, DC—August 9, 2023—The US-China Business Council, a private, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization of 270 American companies that do business in China, today issued the following statement on President Biden’s “Executive Order on Addressing United States Investments in Certain National Security Technologies and Products in Countries of Concern.”
“We appreciate the Biden administration’s consultations with USCBC, as well as its ongoing efforts to craft a targeted action that advances clear national security objectives in coordination with US allies and partners.
We look forward to participating in the public comment process related to this executive order and continuing to serve as a resource to the administration and Congress on these issues. We will be closely watching how the definitions of “covered national security technologies and products” evolve throughout the rulemaking process, given the United States benefits from the vast amount of US commerce in China that does not implicate national security.
We hope that the administration will make more progress with US allies and partners to advance common interests and prevent an otherwise unilateral US policy from disadvantaging American companies vis-à-vis foreign competitors.”
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