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By Asia Society
Air pollution continues to pose a major health threat in China. China’s recent Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law and Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Action Plan demonstrate the government’s resolve to significantly improve air quality.,
A rapid and extensive deployment of clean air technologies and an enabling regulatory environment that encourages manufacturing innovation and technology adoption is necessary. With appropriate planning, this large-scale deployment of clean air technologies could reduce China’s greenhouse gas emissions, helping achieve the country’s longer-term climate policy goals.
China and the United States have a long history of collaboration on air quality and climate policy, driven by common interests. Air pollution from China affects parts of the United States, providing an impetus for federal and state agencies in the United States to work with their counterparts in China on air quality issues. The US-China Climate Change Working Group and other bilateral initiatives reflect recognition by both countries that their joint leadership is critical for mitigating climate change. Cooperation on air quality and climate change has become a pillar of the US-China relationship.
The benefits of continued collaboration will grow over the next decade. As China seeks to achieve dramatic improvements in air quality, regulatory experience from the United States could play an important supporting role. In turn, regulators in the United States will have much to learn from China’s experience as it struggles with its own air quality challenges. Greater harmonization of longer-term air quality and greenhouse gas regulations between the two countries would provide an important signal for investments in clean technology innovation. A common, competitive market for these technologies would be vast, resulting in lower costs.
The Asia Society, the Clean Air Alliance of China (CAAC), the Energy Foundation China, and an extensive group of advisors and experts, drafted a report that explores the potential for continued US-China collaboration on clean air technologies and policies. It seeks to identify priority areas for collaboration on clean air technologies, enabling regulations, and market facilitation. Cleaning the air will also support broader efforts between the US-China collaboration to mitigate climate change.
China is entering a new phase of air quality management, transitioning from an era in which the main concern was primary pollutants (sulfur dioxide, large particulate matter) emitted directly from industrial smokestacks to one in which secondary pollutants (fine particulate matter, ozone) resulting from a diverse combination of stationary and mobile sources are a larger concern, particularly in large urban areas. This transition occurred over several decades in the United States. In China, the speed at which it has occurred—less than 20 years—is requiring equally rapid transformations in technology and regulation.
China’s longer-term emission reduction goals reflect this new reality and the scale of air quality problems. China, for instance, required that all cities should strive to meet the national annual emission standard for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) by 2030. Achieving this and other air quality targets will require reducing primary PM2.5, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions by more than 50 percent below 2013 levels over the next 15 years. These emission reduction goals can only be realized through a dramatic increase in clean technologies, from diesel pollution controls to renewable energy, which will create the world’s largest market for many of these technologies.
To support this technological transformation, in 2015 CAAC inaugurated a Bluetech Award aimed at identifying key technologies that could have transformative effects in improving air quality and human health in China. For its 2016 Bluetech Award, CAAC identified five priority areas based on its analysis of needs for meeting longer-term national air quality goals. These five areas, the focus of this report, include the following:
For the first four of these categories, there are strong synergies between efforts to improve air quality and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For instance, it may be more economical to replace older coal-fired generation with non–fossil fuel generation than to retrofit it with advanced emissions control equipment. For cars and buses, vehicle electrification may be a more cost-effective approach to meeting air quality and long-term climate goals than focusing on emissions control equipment for internal combustion engine vehicles.
Priority areas for collaboration on clean air technologies
The United States is a technology leader in a number of the five Bluetech areas. Based on a review of emerging technologies, we identified five priority technology areas for China-US collaboration on clean air technologies:
Priority areas for collaboration on enabling regulation
Regulation—from emissions standards to technology mandates—plays a critical role in enabling the development and deployment of clean air technologies. The United States has more than 50 years of experience in developing regulatory frameworks to encourage clean air technologies. This experience has been and could continue to be a valuable reference for regulators in China, as they plan and develop implementation programs to meet local and national air quality goals. In turn, regulators in the United States will be able to learn from emerging practices in China.
Our identification of priority areas for regulatory collaboration draws on a review of three regulatory areas in California:
Across these three areas, we distill a number of regulatory design considerations that may be valuable for regulators in China. These include the importance of the following:
Priority areas for collaboration on innovation and market facilitation
As part of this study, we conducted a small survey of 18 clean technology manufacturers in the United States to gauge their interest and experience with the market for clean air technologies in China. The survey included interviews with manufacturers in most of the five Bluetech areas.
Survey respondents identified five areas where support from governmental and nongovernmental organizations could facilitate smoother market entry into the Chinese market for clean air technologies:
Going forward, we recommend three kinds of activities in which continued collaboration between China and the United States could produce transformative results:
About the author: Asia Society is the leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context. Across the fields of arts, business, culture, education, and policy, the Society provides insight, generates ideas, and promotes collaboration to address present challenges and create a shared future.