Standards Setting in China – Challenges and Best Practices

A company’s participation in domestic standards-setting institutions in China can contribute to its success in the market. While aligning standards with the technical specifications of a product can create market opportunities, in cases where Chinese standards diverge from the international ones that multinationals use elsewhere, these standards can lead to increased costs and delays, require the reengineering of products, and serve to block market access. Official statistics indicate a trend toward decreasing alignment with international standards, making it all the more important that foreign companies are able to participate effectively in China’s domestic system. While China has made significant progress in recent years in opening its standards-setting organizations (SSOs) to foreign companies and increasing transparency, several hurdles remain. The US-China Business Council (USCBC) spoke with member companies and other stakeholders to better understand some of these challenges.

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Standards Setting in China: Challenges and Best Practices

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